
Further and faster: catching up with the Janet access programme

What is the Janet access programme? Before I bring us up to date on progress, it may be worth reminding ourselves what the Janet access programme is. The Janet Network consists of a national backbone and 18 different regional networks that, historically, were built at different times using different technologies and were once operated by separate, […]


What is ‘normal’ anyway?

I’m not a fan of the term ‘new normal’, but whether we like it or not we’re now firmly in one. Whilst the basics of network delivery and field engineering haven’t changed, the manner in which they’re carried out has, drastically. This blog post outlines what this new normal looks like, how it differs from […]


Back to work (well, not quite)

Whilst we’re still firmly ‘enjoying’ lockdown, we have at least now got used to what lockdown really means, both professionally and personally, and we’re used to it. With that in mind our attentions are now turning to planning the transition out of lockdown and into something resembling normal operation. Any transition will definitely be phased […]


Thoughts on Crisis Management

Earlier this month I attended CLAW 2019, the third Crisis Management Workshop for the GÉANT Community. The event was held at the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre in Poland – not the easiest place to get to from the UK, but lovely once you’re there: My role at Jisc is Head of Delivery, but I […]