Following recent government advice on limiting movement to essential activities only, and further restrictions imposed by numerous parties on delivery of new infrastructure, this blog post aims to highlight the environment we’re now working in, and how it affects the quoting, ordering and delivery of Janet connectivity services. Note that the majority of the information […]
Networking FAQ
Members and Customers have been asking how Jisc are managing, and adapting usage of the Janet Network, and other key services, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Here’s an FAQ with our response as of 28th April 2020. As operations and service delivery changes to meet the rapidly changing needs of our Members and Customers […]
As many of us are moving from working at a college or University to working at home, so the ways that data is flowing across the Janet network are changing. Up until this week, the largest traffic flows across Janet were inbound from GÉANT and the major content providers towards our members and customers. The […]
As I write on February 3rd, OfCom has just launched a consultation around release of a block of 6GHz spectrum for wireless comms. It seems a good moment to talk about Wi-Fi 6E. Before we start, let’s be clear what we’re talking about. Most of us are comfortable discussing the zoo of 802.11 standards, […]
I’ve procured and administered a handful of procurement frameworks on Jisc’s behalf over the years, and a lot of the language and accepted practices of public procurement are familiar to me (drummed in by colleagues in our excellent procurement unit). However, I’ve been struck recently that for a number of our members, when we invite […]
Thoughts on Crisis Management
Earlier this month I attended CLAW 2019, the third Crisis Management Workshop for the GÉANT Community. The event was held at the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre in Poland – not the easiest place to get to from the UK, but lovely once you’re there: My role at Jisc is Head of Delivery, but I […]
The capacity of the Janet network has always seen massive growth – in my time at Jisc it’s gone from the 10Gbits/s SuperJanet4 network in 2006, to the 100Gbits/s SuperJanet5 network in 2011, to the 600Gbits/s Janet6 network that operates today. We also made a bit of noise last year when we upgraded the core […]
Hic sunt dracones
One of the questions that we get asked in the Network Development and Architecture team is “when are you going to deploy ‘thing they read about in the tech news’?” and the answer usually falls squarely into one of three distinct categories:
If you are the contact listed in one of the global registries for the IPv4 addresses held by your University or College, I’m sure you will have received numerous emails from address brokers offering to buy some or all of your IPv4 addresses. This post is intended to provide some advice. Many of Jisc’s members […]
A few (5) words on the process of designing new access networks, aka regional aggregation networks (health warning: written by not-a-network-designer). It Takes A Long Time I could leave it there, but for the sake of clarity I’ll delve into some of the more interesting and relevant details. So, we have a contractual requirement to […]