COVID-19 Response

The new (ab)normal

With students returning to campus (or not) over the coming weeks, there appears to be a growing level of discussion about the impact on campus networks and Janet. The good news is we think everything is going to be ok.

#Technology & Innovation

Cloudflare’s “Is BGP Safe Yet” website

We have had a few tickets pointing us at Cloudflare’s Is BGP Safe Yet website (one describing it as “a new website that details internet service providers that don’t tend to their routing“) and telling us that we do not implement BGP safely. We do not yet drop invalid routes using RPKI data, the website […]

COVID-19 Response TrafficManagement

More observations on Janet traffic during lockdown

It’s almost four weeks since the first blog article I wrote on the changes to traffic patterns on Janet as we moved to working from home. At the end of that I promised an update, so whilst it has been a little longer than planned, here it is. Frankly, not much has changed. We’ve continued […]


A brief blip in the DNS

At around 5pm on Wednesday 25th March we received a few reports that some sites on Janet were having issues with DNS resolution. This was caused by the site’s own resolver still performing DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV), and a failure by the operators of the DLV zone that broke the DNSSEC signing of that zone. […]


How working from home has changed the traffic on the Janet Network (and what happened on Thursday)

As many of us are moving from working at a college or University to working at home, so the ways that data is flowing across the Janet network are changing. Up until this week, the largest traffic flows across Janet were inbound from GÉANT and the major content providers towards our members and customers.  The […]

#Technology & Innovation

Hic sunt dracones

One of the questions that we get asked in the Network Development and Architecture team is “when are you going to deploy ‘thing they read about in the tech news’?” and the answer usually falls squarely into one of three distinct categories:

#Technology & Innovation

IPv4 Address Brokers and Legacy Address Space

If you are the contact listed in one of the global registries for the IPv4 addresses held by your University or College, I’m sure you will have received numerous emails from address brokers offering to buy some or all of your IPv4 addresses. This post is intended to provide some advice. Many of Jisc’s members […]